Once you have reserved your new home, you don’t want to be hit with any surprise fees or costs so it’s important to know what isn’t included when buying a new build. You’ll find that the vast majority of developers will not include flooring as part of the purchase price. At Ediston you can purchase flooring through our supplier or through your own preferred company. Either way we can ensure your flooring is installed prior to your move in date.
Another cost can be appliances and white goods. Some developers don’t include any kitchen appliances like stoves, ovens, fridge/freezer. An Ediston home includes in its purchase price oven, stove, fridge/freezer as well as all the electrical set up for installing a dishwasher and washing machine.
Once you reserve a new home you’ll discuss with the sales advisor customisations which will give you an opportunity to explore some of the optional extras that will personalise your home to your needs.